For the Common Good

Good World Citizen is a non-profit organisation based in the beautiful city of Florence-Italy with a global mandate. Established by a group of global citizens, it aims at bringing like-minded individuals through collaborations to achieve a better world one good idea at a time.

News and Events

June 22, 2021 / Our News

National meeting: The Environment and the Care for the Creation

Muslims and Catholics come together for the National Islamic- Catholic Meeting as part of a five-year project that aims to…
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June 20, 2021 / Our Community News

An indiscreet look at the unknown USSR

Sergej Vasiliev, World Press Photo winner, arrives in Florence with his shots in the first anthological exhibition in Italy dedicated to…
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May 10, 2021 / Our Community News

Toscana celebrates Eid

The Comunità Islamica di Firenze e Toscana will be celebrating the Eid al-Fitr which marks the end of the month…
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May 6, 2021 / Our News

A taste of international literature

My nighbour’s book of the Filippo Buonarroti and the Orticoltura Libraries, is resuming this year after a one year disconnect…
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The inspiration behind GWC

Good World Citizen is inspired by a great man who is no longer with us. Prof Abdulaziz Al-Saqqaf, was a visionary who believed that the only way the people of the world can prosper is if each and every one of them was a good world citizen in all senses of the word.
He often spoke about this concept and the intercultural aspects of our joint future to his daughter Haifa, who from a young age grew with the sense of responsibility to the greater good.
He is missed, always loved and his legacy lives on.
