For the Common Good

Good World Citizen is a non-profit organisation based in the beautiful city of Florence-Italy with a global mandate. Established by a group of global citizens, it aims at bringing like-minded individuals through collaborations to achieve a better world one good idea at a time.

News and Events

March 17, 2022 / Our Network’s news, Our News

Florentine religious heritage and future prospects of inclusion

Florence is renowned for its Renaissance cultural heritage. What is less known is the fact that the city is characterized…
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February 20, 2022 / Our Community News, Our News

The Mediterranean Sea: frontier of dialogue and peace

The city of Florence is preparing to welcome a great event from 23 to 27 February. In the name of…
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January 18, 2022 / Our Network’s news

Music for Peace

Music is a universal language, it’s used by people of all cultures, all over the world and does not need…
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December 31, 2021 / Our News

New Year 2022

As another year comes to an end, and we prepare to welcome the new year, we at Good World Citizen…
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The inspiration behind GWC

Good World Citizen is inspired by a great man who is no longer with us. Prof Abdulaziz Al-Saqqaf, was a visionary who believed that the only way the people of the world can prosper is if each and every one of them was a good world citizen in all senses of the word.
He often spoke about this concept and the intercultural aspects of our joint future to his daughter Haifa, who from a young age grew with the sense of responsibility to the greater good.
He is missed, always loved and his legacy lives on.
