The CRESCENDO project represents the continuation of Co.Me.Te. which was carried out in the previous school year (2019/2020). In both projects several encounters were organized in different high schools in the Metropolitan Area of Florence. These encounters were held by trainers who collaborate with the La Pira Center and who come from different countries. The general objective of the project is to contribute in making young citizens responsible, fully aware of the Constitutions and of the context in which they live and open to understanding other cultures.

The conference was held in main lecture hall of the University of Florence with the participation of Faculty members and students of Humanities and Education courses. Present at the conference were also some of the classes which participated in the project.
It was an opportunity to focus on the theme of intercultural pedagogy and to listen to the testimony of the team of international trainers of the La Pira Center who implemented the project. The trainers talked about their experience and outcomes that have been achieved.
Among the speakers at the conference were Professor Franco Cambi and Professor Giuseppe Milan who described the project as being a virtuous experience that contributes in enhancing cultural diversity as well as openness and integration between Italians and foreigners.