
The GROW Initiative

Work is fundamental for the fulfillment of a person and for the development of society. Most people who migrate do so for work and therefore it is very important to know the laws and dynamics of the country of arrival. This makes it easier to enter the world of employment and understand the regulations related to it.
This project aims to provide essential information that can be a useful tools in understanding certain aspects related to work including laws and local services. The general purpose is to facilitate work inclusion and social integration of the participants.
The target of this project are young immigrants from various countries (Egypt, Morocco, Albania, Cameroon, Colombia, etc.) who are in Italy for study and/or work.
The project consists of four workshops held by experts. These in-depth meetings will have as a transversal theme that of labor and will aim to engage the participants in a discussion about the Italian work culture and the various regulations related to employment.

Learn more about the first series of workshops


Centro internazionale Studenti Giorgio la Pira
– Fondazione Migrantes

The Co.Me.Te. and CRESCENDO Projects come from the observation of how the classes of Italian public
schools are becoming more and more multicultural. In regards to High Schools in particular, on the one
hand, there is a loss of historical memory in the minds of students, and on the other hand, a loss of the
roots of students, children of migrant families, the so-called second generation Italians.

This Project intends to prepare a training course in stages, carried out through interactive modalities by an
international team composed of teachers and experts, aimed at increasing students’ knowledge of the
Italian constitution, addressing the historical, sociological and cultural processes that led to its birth and the
many aspects of a multicultural society.
